Reknown drummer, educator and author Tommy Igoe contacted me during the summer of 2012, anxious for a website redesign. He wanted something new, fresh and fast.We spoke a little about his feelings on what the site should focus on – namely, he felt that he needed a place to promote his bands, list some events and connect people to social media.
I worked up a sitemap and wireframe for him, and then a design. The feedback was good, and minimal (a plus, in my book!). The fun came when Tommy called, a week before his Birdland Big Band was set to hit the road on a month-long tour of the US – he needed the website redone, and needed it done asap!
So, after some long, late hours, a few server configuration issues, and a weekend of good, old QA, the new and improved was launched.
An interesting feature to the website that Tommy wanted to include was a function to allow audience members at his shows to cast a vote for a song to be played at the show that night. A pretty cool interactive feature to a live show, I thought! I set up a form and put together a leaderboard that Tommy could monitor from his iPhone, right from the stage. At the end of the night, the band plays the most requested tune. Power to the people, right?!